The Shire of Toodyay has entered the RESTRICTED BURNING PERIOD. No fires without valid permit. More Information.
Support for your business is available through a number of avenues.
The Shire of Toodyay is a registered Small Business Friendly Local Government. We have committed work with and support small business.
The Small Business Development Corporation provide information and advice to small business owners free of charge.
If you are from an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander background, Indigenous Business Australia could help you to get the skills, knowledge and resources you need to start and grow a sustainable business.
Go Local First is a federally funded campaign asking all Australians to support small local businesses across our country.
The campaign is developed and driven by the national peak body for small business, the Council of Small Business Organisations Australia (COSBOA).
Go to the Go Local First webpage or contact the Economic Development Coordinator on to find out how to be involved.