The Shire of Toodyay has entered the RESTRICTED BURNING PERIOD. No fires without valid permit. More Information.
Before you start making any changes to your existing home, you may need to seek various approvals from the Shire.
A building approval ensures that the proposed building work complies with the Building Codes of Australia and other relevant standards and legislation.
The following information is to be submitted when applying for an Uncertified Building Permit for a Residential Dwelling.
Two (2) copies of all Architectural Plans (with scale) – The plans are required to be clear, legible and drawn to scale inclusive of elevations, section through, finished floor levels, finished ground levels , smoke alarm locations and contour plan. The plans are also to clearly define existing building and proposed new works.
Two (2) Copies of signed in ink Engineer’s plans (photo copies not accepted) detailing all structural members & connection details for roof, wall, floor, footings and garage roller doors. These details must be designed for relevant Wind Region, Soil Classification and earthquake loads of subject lot.
Two (2) copies Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) Assessment..
Two (2) copies of Soil Classification Certificate provided by qualified engineer.
Two (2) copies of specifications or list describing the materials and methods to be used in the construction of the building.
Two (2) copies of termite treatment letter detailing the type and method of termite treatment to be used on proposed building.
Two (2) copies of Energy Efficiency Report produced and signed by an accredited assessor or a competent designer.
Two (2) copies of Home Indemnity Insurance Certificate for proposed construction work if construction value is greater than $20,000.
Two (2) copies of Manufacturers Window Certification in accordance with Section 8.3 of Australian Standard 2047 which also clearly indicates the site address and wind region of the proposed building work.
Payment of Fees:
The requirement for this application will be determined by the Shire when your building application is assessed and is only applicable for residential structures.
Please note that any residential property that is subject to the Shire’s Planning Scheme may require a separate Planning application.
Once your submission has been received, the Shire will keep in touch to let you know if any further information is needed, or if approval has been granted.