SMS Notification Service
The Shire of Toodyay operates a Harvest and Vehicle Movement Ban SMS notification service. Once registered for the service the subscribers will be sent SMSs notifying:
- Commencement, or extension and end of a Harvest and Vehicle Movement Ban
- Start, end and any variation to the Restricted and Prohibited Burning Periods.
The Shire may also use the service to forward Total Fire Ban notifications from DFES.
To register for the service: Message BANS to 0408 017 439
To Unsubscribe (Opt-Out): Message STOP in reply to messages received from the service
Please note subscriptions and opt-outs are managed are by an automated process and replies to messages or the service number are not monitored or responded to.
In order to maintain currency in the registration database, the Shire of Toodyay may periodically request users to provide a specific SMS response for the retention of their mobile number on the register.
Please note the Harvest and Vehicle Movement Ban SMS notification service is not an emergency warning system.
Please visit the DFES website for information on emergency warning notifications.
FAQs & Trouble Shooting
Q: I didn't receive notification of a nearby fire.
A: The SMS notification service is for communications of Shire imposed/managed restrictions and bans. Emergency Warning, where required, are issued via DFES without need to subscribe to a service.
Q: I'm not receiving messages from the service.
A: The most probable cause is your phone's messaging app has filtered the message as junk or spam. Try searching your messages for the service number (0408 017 439) or adjusting your apps spam/junk settings. The Shire recommends adding this number as a known contact in your phone.
Other possible causes include, out of mobile reception or network outages with your carrier.
Q: Why didn't I receive a Total Fire Ban notification?
A: The Shire of Toodyay endeavours (but cannot guarantee) to forward notifications of DFES Total Fire Bans via the SMS service. Official sources of Total Fire Ban information should be relied upon. More information about accessing Total Fire Ban information direct from DFES is available here.