The Shire of Toodyay has entered the RESTRICTED BURNING PERIOD. No fires without valid permit. More Information.
From time to time the Shire of Toodyay offers opportunities for businesses to tender for work within the Shire district. Tendering is the process of making an offer, bid or proposal, or expressing an interest in response to an invitation to tender, which can also be known as a Request for Tender (RFT) or a Request for Proposal (RFP).
To receive automatic email notifications of any tenders published by the Shire of Toodyay that may be of interest to you please register on our e-tendering portal. As a registered supplier, you can receive email notification of any new tender published, and have the ability to download and view the documentation electronically. This portal is free to use.
Notification of the Shire's tenders are published in The West Australian newspaper on either a Saturday or Wednesday.
Prospective contractors are invited to view all our current tenders within our eTendering portal.