In this Section


Food Safety training

Food Handler Safety training

The Shire of Toodyay supports the FoodSafe® Food Handler Training Program created by Environmental Health Australia as an introduction program for food handlers into health and food safety.

It is a training program that brings food hygiene and safety information directly to businesses and volunteers through training and implementation of good food safety management practices.

FoodSafe® is WA online certified food safety training recognised for the basic requirements of 3.2.2A of the Food Standards Code. Any Toodyay resident, volunteer or business staff member can follow the link below and use the provided code when registering to have any fees waved (Normally $35.00).


Food Safe Training



Food Allergen training

Food allergies occur when the body's immune system reacts to certain proteins in food. Food allergic reactions vary in severity from mild symptoms involving hives and lip swelling to severe, life-threatening symptoms, often called anaphylaxis, that may involve fatal respiratory problems and shock.

Below is a link that provides access to food service online training that is fast, easy and free. The free comprehensive training program provides need to know information about allergens relevant for those in the food service industry, or who may handle foods and is presented using videos and interactive activities.

Food Safety Supervisor training

From December 8th all WA food businesses will be required to appoint a qualified Food Safety Supervisor (FSS) if they handle unpackaged potentially hazardous food that is used in the preparation of ready-to-eat food to be served to a consumer; or is ready-to-eat food intended for retail sale by that business. 

WA Health - Recognised Food Safety Supervisor Courses

Other Languages

FoodSafe® training is available English, Vietnamese and Simplified Chinese. The Victorian Health Department provides food safety training online additionally in  Korean, Hindi, Nepalis and Punjabi at the link below.

Do Food Safely

Registering a food business

All food businesses must comply with the Food Act 2008, Food Regulations 2009 and the Australian New Zealand Food Standards Code.


If you are thinking of starting a food business within the Shire of Toodyay, a Food Act 2008 Notification/ Registration Form is required to be completed and submitted to the Shire prior to operating and it is recommended you speak with the Shires Environmental Health Officer.


The Shire is responsible for enforcing compliance with the requirements of the Food Act 2008 and investigating complaints and reports of food borne illness .A Certificate of Registration is issued to food businesses before may then operate and inspections will be conducted of new food businesses to determine the exact activities, risk of food being prepared, and to check for areas the premises may not comply with the Food Standards Code. The business is subject to annual food business risk classification and registration fees which are paid on a financial year basis. The fee varies depending on the risk rating of the business.


Please be aware that planning or building approval may be required for newly constructed buildings, new fit-outs of buildings, and home food businesses. Please contact the Planning and Development Department at the Shire for information on whether this applies to your proposal.

Notifying of food sale

All food sellers must notify the LGA of their intentions to trade under the requirements of the Food Act 2008 (even if they are exempt from being registered or are registered in another LGA). The form below can be used to notify the Shire of Toodyay of your operation within the Shire:

Type of food notification*This field is required.
Potentially Hazardous Foods:
Once off Event

Max File Size: 10.00 MB
Allowed File Types: .doc, .docx, .gif, .jpeg, .jpg, .mpeg, .mpg, .pdf, .png, .ppt, .pptx, .xls, .xlsx
I am aware of my responsibilities under the Food Act 2008 and Food Standards Code to provide safe and suitable food*This field is required.


Please see the details on Temporary food businesses as you may be required to have a stallholder/traders permit to trade in public places.

Changes to a food business

Food Business registrations are not transferrable.  A Food Act 2008 Notification/ Registration Form will need to be completed for each new owner.  Under Section 113 of the Food Act 2008, a proprietor of a food business must notify the Shire of Toodyay within 7 days if the following changes occur at that food business:

  • The food business ceases to be conducted at those premises;
  • The food business is sold; or
  • Any changes are made to the activities carried out on the food business that may change its risk classification.

Temporary food businesses

All temporary and mobile food businesses must notify the LGA they are trading in under the requirements of the Food Act 2008.

If you are seeking to have a temporary food stall or food van at a public event or in a public location, you will need a Stallholders/Traders Permit approved by the Shire. If you wish to trade at an event please contact the event organiser first as you will need their permission and they may be submitting all food applications on the traders behalf.

The following information is required when applying for a Stallholder Permit:

  • Copy of food business registration certificate from relevant Local Government Authority (if applicable)
  • Public liability insurance if stall is operated on Shire owned land
  • The completed stallholder application form

Community and fundraising food stalls may operate without a food business registration if they obtain a Stallholder Permit from the Shire, and all profits from the stall go directly to a not-for-profit organisation. Operating of community and fundraising food stalls must still comply with food safety and hygiene requirements. Please see the Food Standards guide to minimum standards for a food stall.

Stallholders/Traders Permit

Food premises inspections

The Shire’s Environmental Health Officer regularly conducts unannounced inspections of all food businesses operating within the district. These inspections ensure that the food premises and the way in which food is handled comply with relevant legislation.

Food business complaints

If you have witnessed a food business within the Shire not complying with safe food handling practises, have fallen ill and believe it is from food you have consumed from a business within the Shire, or have purchased food from a food business within the Shire that you believe is unsafe, you should report the matter to the Shire.  An investigation will then be conducted and the appropriate action will be taken.

If you are reporting an issue with food you have purchased and you still have some of it left, please place in the freezer until such a time that the sample can be submitted to the Shire or collected.