The Shire of Toodyay has entered the RESTRICTED BURNING PERIOD. No fires without valid permit. More Information.
Council has obligations in relation to functions and activities under numerous Acts and other legislation, many of which permit Council to delegate responsibilities and authority to the CEO and other Shire Officers; and to stipulate conditions, standards or methods of control and management.
Policies enable the effective and efficient management of Council resources.
Written policies also enable the community to be aware of the reasoning behind Council and administrative decisions, and to be familiar with the philosophy behind individual decisions.
Council’s Policies are split up into seven categories.
The principles or rules that guide the Shire’s practices and constrains procedures or delegated functions.
Guiding the Shire’s practices through the Department of Infrastructure and Assets.
Clarifying the roles, authority and responsibilities for essential financial management through the Department of Corporate Services
Specific rules and guidelines through the Department of Development and Regulation
Delivering better socioeconomic outcomes through the use of regulations, laws, and other instruments.
Relates to processes of decision making and controls of behaviour; supporting transparency, accountability, and performance outcomes.
Benefiting the community as a whole or individuals and groups; strengthening bonds and stimulating growth and development.