The Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 were gazetted on 25 August 25 2015 and took effect on October 19, 2015, replacing the Town Planning Regulations 1967.
The regulations are a major part of Western Australia's planning reform agenda, affecting arrangements for local planning strategies and town planning schemes and amendments.
In addition to a Model Scheme Text, the regulations have now introduced a set of deemed provisions, which automatically apply to every town planning scheme in WA from 19 October 2015.
For more information in relation to Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 please refer to the Western Australian Planning Commission.
The Residential Design Codes are commonly called the "R-Codes" and provide a comprehensive basis for local governments to control residential development.
They generally apply to residential zones throughout Western Australia. They also specify the requirements for development control and minimise the need for separate planning policies for residential development.
Where can I view the R-Codes?
You can view the Residential Design Codes of Western Australia (R-Codes) on the Department of Planning website. If you need a copy you should contact them directly.
Need help with planning issues?
If you need help with any planning issue, please contact the Shire
Land development in the Shire is governed by the Shire of Toodyay Local Planning Scheme No 5. The scheme classifies each piece of land by allocating it to a Zone.
The Scheme Map colour codes each of the zones for ease of reference.
Each Zone has a set of objectives to guide planning decisions. There is also a zoning table which sets out for each Zone whether a use is prohibited, permitted or requires a decision from Council.
The Department of Planning provides an interactive map which allows people to check their zoning on line. If you are new to this system a demonstration video is available.
What is a building envelope?
A building envelope is a designated area on your property within which it has been deemed suitable to build upon.
No building shall be located closer to a boundary than thirty (30) metres in the Rural Residential and Rural Living zone and a minimum of fifty (50) metres in a Rural Zone. If the proposed building is within full view of a main or district road as designated in the Scheme, the setback from this road shall be a minimum of one hundred (100) metres. All other boundary setbacks will remain the same.
The majority of the land within the Toodyay Townsite have minimum setbacks and permitted lot boundaries.
R10. State Planning Policy No 3.1 - Residential Design Codes define the rules and regulations for setbacks boundaries
Further advice on setbacks may be sought from Shire's Development and Regulation team.
Building Envelopes usually only apply to properties within Structure Planning Areas.
The main objectives of building envelopes are to:
- Provide for the orderly development of rural land;
- Minimise the need to clear vegetation for buildings;
- Ensure adequate separation distances between buildings and effluent disposal systems from watercourses, wetlands and groundwater levels;
- Ensure suitable site conditions for development within the building envelope; and
- Minimise the visual impact of buildings on the landscape.
Can I build on land outside my approved building envelope?
If you wish to build outside the approved building envelope, the proposed development will require planning approval in most instances.
Please contact the Shire for more information about the specific nature of your development
A ‘heritage area’ is an area which is considered to have significant cultural heritage and character, and is designated under clause 3 of the Shire’s Local Planning Scheme No. 4. Once an area is designated as a ‘heritage area’, special planning controls take effect in order to conserve and enhance the significant cultural heritage and character of the area.
There are three types of heritage listings:
State Registered List
Please contact the State Heritage Office to determine whether your property is listed on the State Register. The State Heritage Office can be contacted on 08 6552 4000 or through their website at
Local Heritage Listing
The Shire's Municipal Inventory contains properties that are considered to have significant heritage value. Each property is categorised according to its level of heritage importance and value.
The Western Australian Planning Commission’s Statement of Planning Policy 3.5 Historic Heritage Conservation may be able to provide you with further information about local heritage properties.
Local Government Inventory
The Local Government Inventory is a list of places considered to have local cultural heritage significance and is managed by the Shire of Toodyay under the Heritage of WA Act 1990.