State Planning Framework

The State planning framework is the basis for coordinating and promoting land use planning, transport planning and land development in a sustainable manner, and for the guidance of public authorities and local governments.  Everything you need to know is at this link:

Local Planning Framework


The bulk of statutory planning work involves the detailed assessment and determination of development applications.

The Shire also provides referral responses to the Western Australian Planning Commission (and/or Minister of Planning) in relation to proposed:

  • Subdivisions
  • Structure Plans
  • Scheme Amendments

Local Planning Scheme

The Shire of Toodyay's Local Planning Scheme is to be read in conjunction with Planning and Development Regulations.

Document Centre - Local Planning Scheme

The Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 were gazetted on 25 August 25 2015 and took effect on October 19, 2015, replacing the Town Planning Regulations 1967.

The regulations are a major part of Western Australia's planning reform agenda, affecting arrangements for local planning strategies and town planning schemes and amendments.

In addition to a Model Scheme Text, the regulations have now introduced a set of deemed provisions, which automatically apply to every town planning scheme in WA from 19 October 2015.

For more information in relation to Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 please refer to the Western Australian Planning Commission.