Published on Friday, 16 April 2021 at 10:30:51 AM

As Toodyay has developed with more sealed roads, car parks and housing the resulting increase in volume and velocity of stormwater run-off discharge has created a range of environmental issues.
Most of the town’s storm water outlets discharge directly into the river with the main one located near the Anglican Church.
This storm water carries with it a range of pollutants and rubbish from a catchment that covers most of the town area and includes Charcoal Lane carpark and Pelham Brook.
In addition to the environmental impacts, the erosion caused by the stormwater run-off compromises fire and management access at this point.
The Toodyay Friends of the River have long campaigned to address this problem and last year were successful in sourcing external funding to create the “Pelham Outlet Project”.
The significant rain event early in March was a timely demonstration of the necessity to address this age old problem.
An exhaustive consultancy and planning phase has culminated in the successful completion of the works.
The result is outstanding and with the planned revegetation and ongoing maintenance of the project it promises to be a demonstration site for best practice.
This outcome is the result of hard work and collaboration between a range of contributors with special thanks extended to Richard Ness, Engineering Technical Officer with the Shire, Toodyay Friends of the River Project Steering Group, Urbaqua and specialist contractor, Proform Civil.
Planning and design of the project was made possible thanks to a grant from Wheatbelt NRM’s Healthy Soils, Healthy Rivers with engineering and construction funded by the Commonwealth Government’s Community Environment Program.
Other river news of note was of course the significant flow event in early March. The velocity and height of the water caused significant erosion at Red Banks Pool causing two trees to be dislodged and a part of the high bank was dangerously undermined. As a result, the Bilya Walk Track was closed until safety barriers could be put in place and the path realigned back from the edge. The Shire will be working with the Toodyay Friends of the River on further safety and rehabilitation work and close monitoring of bank stability will continue.

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