Published on Tuesday, 28 April 2020 at 4:21:00 PM
Despite the unexpected challenges that we have been presented with 2020, has got off to a very productive start for Toodyay’s Reserve Management with a number of exciting projects already completed.
The Mitigation Activity Fund (MAF) of which Toodyay has been a major recipient of, has allowed for the undertaking of work that previously was all but impossible to fund. A good example of this is the extensive work carried out recently at the Boyagerring and Drummond Street West locations. This 8 hectare area was a diabolical mix of rock piles, spoil dumps, severe erosion, weed infestation and overgrown access/fire tracks.
Not surprisingly it presented a serious fire hazard as the terrain made it impossible to carry out hazard reduction or environmental management. Now, thanks to MAF and the dedicated work of our skilled contractors - Fire Mitigation Services, the project area is like a parkland. It not only facilitates impressive bushfire risk reduction but the new landscaping provides a wonderful public amenity and open space for passive recreation.
Further, with improved access to Boyagerring Brook itself, the Shire, Toodyay Friends of the River and Wheatbelt NRM are planning revegetation and other restoration work along this waterway with ripping for winter planting already completed.
There will be a new walk track to link into the existing and popular Murray Walkway and include interpretive signage for the historical bridge that spans the Brook.
These improvements will add far reaching additional benefits to a precinct that already has vital community value with the proximity of the High School, River Hills Estate and our Sports and Recreation Centre.
Other MAF funded work has been completed or is underway on reserves and road verges in Morangup and at the time of writing the FMS crew are busy at Pelham Reserve in the hills bordering on the south of town.
The community can expect similar activity soon in the Julimar area and I look forward to reporting on this ongoing work as it progresses. Reserve Management has been inundated with complaints about rabbit infestations and six “hot spots” have been selected across the Shire as control sites. By working with a feral animal control contactor and by utilising a range of methods we have reduced rabbit numbers significantly at these locations.
However, while dry conditions persist these troublesome rodents will continue to hammer people’s gardens in search of food. I encourage community members to take advantage of the cooler autumn weather and enjoy their exercise time and some “splendid isolation” in our many marvellous reserves.
Greg Warburton Reserve Manager can be contacted on 0448284260 or

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