Staying In Place Information Session
Past Event

‘Staying In Place’ is a program for elderly Australians that has been implemented in several communities across WA, with similar models running across the country.
The program centres around creating a virtual village that helps elderly residents live at home longer, in the communities they love and company they know, with access to vital services as long as required. It also aims to combat loneliness, isolation, and concerns around becoming dependent on outside care.
Participants can enjoy the benefits of living in a lifestyle or retirement village – companionship, support, security, and peace of mind – without leaving their current home.
The program sees elderly residents receive government-subsidised Home Care Packages, following an aged care assessment to determine the level of assistance they need. Home Care Package funds can be used as recipients choose, e.g. for in-home help, travel to and from social events, or even developing new hobbies and interests.
To find out more, and to help us determine if and how we could roll out the program in Toodyay, join us for an interactive information session presented by the Pingelly Sommerset Alliance and their partner organisations, who together have successfully implemented Staying in Place in the Shire of Pingelly.
You can find more information on Staying In Place prior to this session by visiting the Staying In Place website.