Published on Monday, 22 June 2020 at 4:00:00 PM
European House Borer (EHB) is a pest of seasoned dry pinewood, most often found outside in dead pine trees, dead parts of living pine trees, and in pine logs and debris. The cooler weather is a great opportunity to make your house and property as unattractive to EHB as possible, by fully burning (or chipping) all unwanted/dead pine wood which could host this serious pest. The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) is working with the community to stop the spread of this serious pest.
If you do decide to burn, the most important thing is to do it safely. Your first step is to check your local government website for their specific burn related guidelines and permit requirements. If unsure, ring your local government to talk to a Fire Officer for advice.
It is a good idea to register your proposed ‘hazard reduction burn’ with the Department of Fire and Emergency Services prior to lighting (on 9395 9209) in case a helpful member of the public sees smoke and thinks it’s a bush fire.
If you suspect your dead pinewood is infested with EHB, please make a report using the MyPestGuideTM Reporter app, or contact DPIRD’s Pest and Disease Information Service on 9368 3080 or
For more information on EHB, please go to DPIRD webpages at

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