Is your Dog or Cat Registration up to date?

Published on Monday, 21 December 2020 at 4:00:00 PM

Shire of Toodyay pet owners are being urged to check their furry friends’ registrations are up to date.

All dogs that have reached 3 months of age are required to be registered and microchipped, and all cats that have reached 6 months of age must be registered, sterilised and microchipped.

Pets can be registered for life, three years or one year. Many residents choose life-time registration, which saves time and costs associated with annual renewals.

It is also a good time for residents who have recently moved or changed phone numbers to check their pets’ details are correct and up to date. These details will enable a quick reunion should your precious pet go missing.

New pet registrations can be completed online by visiting the Shires website, or in person at Shire Administration Office: 15 Fiennes Street Toodyay WA 6566

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