Railway Road Traffic Controls

Published on Monday, 10 June 2024 at 4:28:24 PM

The Toodyay Caravan Park on Railway Road is implementing a number of projects to upgrade the facility. One project is the installation of a sewer pressure main along Railway Road (in the verge on the railway side of the road) between the caravan park entrance and Duidgee Park. The project is due to begin on 17 June 2024 and will take approximately two months to complete. The contractor will be working generally between 7.00 am and 5.00pm Monday to Friday. Local traffic access will be always maintained for properties along Railway Road. Including waste collection and emergency services. Traffic controllers will maintain a one lane two way vehicle flow in the area of the work front, with speed control and warning signage at the appropriate distances either side of the work front at all times when the contractor is working the site.


A traffic detour will be implemented during working hours for all non-local traffic as shown on the detour plan, including traffic going to and from the Toodyay Waste Transfer Station. The Shire of Toodyay urges all road users to be patient and take precautions to obey all traffic controls in the area during the works to ensure safe transport for everyone. Always remember to drive to suit the road conditions.



Charles Sullivan
Executive Manager Infrastructure & Asset Services

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