Published on Thursday, 27 August 2020 at 11:00:00 AM
Under legislation administered by the Department of Parks and Wildlife (DPaW), rainbow lorikeets in the south-west land division are the subject of an Acclimatised Fauna Notice, which recognises that lorikeets are native birds living in the wild as a result of being released, escaping or being the offspring of released or escaped birds. The Notice also states that lorikeets can be shot on private land in the south - west land division, without the need for a Damage Licence from DPaW. The Notice requires that no damage is to be caused to trees, and traps can only be used by persons licenced to do so under DPaW legislation.
Under legislation administered by the Department of Agriculture and Food (DAFWA), rainbow lorikeets are declared pests in Western Australia, in all areas south of the Kimberley including the Perth metropolitan area. This means that private, municipal and State government landholders are responsible for control of lorikeets on their land.
In the southern parts of the State where lorikeets are declared as pests and do not naturally occur in the wild, no lorikeets, including those captured or rescued, can be legally released back into the wild. Wild lorikeets generally do not make good pets and can spread disease.
Rainbow Lorikeets have again been recorded in Anzac Park, opposite the Shire of Toodyay offices.
If you see them around the Shire it would be really appreciated if you could email Brett Scourse from the Department of Primary Industries and Rural Development with the words "Rainbow Lorikeets" in the subject line.

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