Published on Wednesday, 29 January 2020 at 9:00:00 AM
Toodyay has been successful in its application through DFES and State Government as part of the Royalty for Regions scheme for a $1 Million Fire Mitigation grant, the Mitigation Activity Fund.
The “MAF” is awarded to Local Governments who have an endorsed Bushfire Risk Management Plan and who have identified assets at High, Very High or Extreme risk to Bushfire.
Works will commence almost immediately and run through to the middle of June 2020.
The aim of these works is to reduce the fuel load in reserves and assist in the removal of invasive grasses and weeds along with the improvement and construction of Fire Access Tracks. We will do everything within our means to avoid creating any disturbance to residents and are confident the end result will not only make living here safer, but it will provide you with enhanced access to enjoy the reserves and their surrounds.
Should you have any questions regarding these works you can contact the Bushfire Risk Management Planning Co-ordinator, John Hansen at the Shire office at this email address:-
The Shire of Toodyay would like to thank and acknowledge the Office of Bushfire Risk Management - DFES, for awarding the Shire these funds and look forward to making Toodyay an even safer place for the future.

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