Published on Monday, 1 February 2021 at 12:10:00 AM
Shire Reserves Management has been working with the Toodyay Friends of the River and Wheatbelt Natural Resource Management (WBNRM) to improve amenity and to protect environmental values and built assets associated with confluence of Boyagerring Brook.
Last year the Shire undertook weed control and ground preparation work for planting along the banks of this tributary of the Avon River. The seedlings (and a Bat Box) were provided by WBNRM through a grant scheme and Toodyay High School students and Friends of the River members planted the several hundred trees and sedges.
Thanks to the Mitigation Activity Fund extensive rehabilitation earthworks were carried out between the River and Drummond Street West to allow for effective fire hazard reduction. This was followed by the upgrading of fire breaks and access ways augmented by extensive grass slashing to further protect the area from fire.
Here, Reserve Management and the Com-munity Seed Orchard Group are planning to create a distinctive re-vegetation project. The concept will see habitat “islands” of native species planted. This will not only be attractive but also add bio-diversity benefits while allowing for effective fire management.
Other opportunities such as developing a walk track along the Brook are being implemented. This “Boyagerring Walk” will add to the existing trail network that includes the Murray Walkway, Bridges Walk, Newcastle Park, the foot bridge and of course Bilya Walk Track.
The new loop will make a pleasant three kilometre walk, bike ride or jog circuit with the opportunity to call in at the swimming pool of course. The trail will be marked, a picnic table and seating installed and interpretive signage placed at the historic brick works and the old Boyagerring Brook Bridge.

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